


We introduce to you the SAHARA Festival, a festival-style conference with some of the world’s leading marketing

leaders  taking to the stage in Reykjavik city with the theme of Simplifying Digital Marketing. 


The time has come again, and this time you can NOT miss it!

The concept is the same as last year, simplifying digital marketing, but this time we are taking the festival approach to the next level with a bigger location at Harpa Concert Hall and an exciting partnership with Iceland Airwaves. This year's conference will be packed with some of the most innovative minds in our industry. Speakers include leaders from powerhouse companies like:

Google, TikTok, Linkedin, Miami Heat, PepsiCo, Pinterest, Amazon, KubbCo & Orbit Media. 

Here’s your chance to buy tickets to SAHARA FESTIVAL for 39.900 ISK until the September 30th, instead of the full price 49.900 ISK. 

Your ticket to SAHARA Festival includes a 3 day Iceland Airwaves wristband, and a ticket to the SAHARA Festival afterparty hosted at KEX Hostel.



Tickets to SAHARA FESTIVAL include


Access to Iceland Airwaves, a three-day music event taking place in Reykjavik from November 3rd to 5th.


Learn and be inspired by some of the world's leading brands at Harpa Music Hall.


Access to the SAHARA Festival afterparty at KEX Hostel where you have the chance to network, meet the speakers and reflect on what you have learned at SAHARA Festival.

Emma Lundgren

LinkedIn's core mission: How it helps companies and job seekers

Marcus Sherwin | Senior Client Solutions Manager at LinkedIn

Sherwin will discuss LinkedIn’s core mission statement and how it provides global value for companies and job seekers. He’ll explain how businesses use LinkedIn to reach their audiences at scale, across business lines, and how you can leverage LinkedIn to create economic opportunities as an individual or a business owner.

  • About The Speaker

    Marcus Sherwin is a Senior Client Solutions Manager at LinkedIn within Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He manages relationships with some of LinkedIn’s most prominent clients across the whole region. His primary focus is helping clients grow their business-to-business activity on the platform by reaching and engaging leaders at scale. Before LinkedIn, he worked in some of the world’s largest tech companies, such as Criteo & TikTok.

Emma Lundgren

How Amazon Uses AI to Deliver an Optimal Customer Experience

Rob Bradburn | Leads Digital Marketing for Amazon Web Services (AWS) in EMEA

Rob Bradburn’s session will discuss how to simplify the customer journey from awareness through conversion within a hyper-growth company with hundreds of products. He’ll share how Amazon’s methods have enabled them to remain customer-centric while leveraging AI to better serve customers' needs. One of the main thesis he proposes is to 'Work backward from the optimal customer experience'.

  • About The Speaker

    Rob Bradburn is the leader of Digital Marketing for Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the Europe, Middle-East, and Africa region. His team works hard at delivering continuous improvements to the customer experience while driving acquisition and growth. Working for a hypergrowth company like AWS requires ceaseless innovation that is scalable without being too complex. Rob has extensive B2B and B2C marketing experience, having worked with Startups, SMBs, and Enterprise corporates across a wide range of industries.

Emma Lundgren

Metaverse - The Future of Advertising?

David Juul Ledstrup | Chief Strategy Officer

We have been promised a life in virtual reality for many years but still aren’t quite there. Yet most marketers tell us the future of the internet lies within ‘The Metaverse.’ David Juul Ledstrup will explain how exactly the Metaverse will unfold, where it’s heading in the near future, and what cutting-edge brands are doing in the space in the here and now.

  • About The Speaker

    David Juul Ledstrup is a Chief strategy officer at Kubbco – a global social media lead agency, that focuses on impacting individuals and society through culturally relevant moments that revolve around social media. This requires being at the forefront of new technology, platforms, and ways of engaging with audiences. David has experience across several industries, with both SMBs and global organizations, and has worked with brands like LEGO, Carlsberg, Microsoft, Hummel, OLAPLEX, and more.

Emma Lundgren

Get Ahead of the Competition by Knowing Pinterest Trends

Tuomas Jaalinoja | Senior Partner Manager at Pinterest Nordics

In his lecture Tuomas Jaalinoja will go in depth into how Pinterest-users discover and buy products on Pinterest, and how those behaviors allow him to predict future trends. 

  • About The Speaker

    Tuomas Jaalinoja is a senior partner manager with Pinterest Nordics where he is focused on accelerating the value for businesses and Pinterest users while at the same time growing the user base. He is a digital transformation and people leader with over 10 years of experience in building businesses through a combination of ingenuity, long-term vision, and an understanding of behavioral economics. Before joining Pinterest in 2020 he was director of Strategy at Klok Creative agency and spent four years with Google as an Industry manager. 

Emma Lundgren

The Sound of Success on TikTok

Emma Lundgren | Agency Partnerships Lead for TikTok Nordics.

Emma Lundgren from TikTok will share insights about how the impact of sound amplifies the power of TikTok.

  • About The Speaker

    Emma Lundgren is the Agency Partnerships Lead for TikTok Nordics. She's been working in the media industry for the last 15 years and has a soft spot for all things video. Emma has previously been working as the commercial lead for Snapchat Sweden and as Country Manager Nordics for Unruly before finding her forever home at TikTok.

Emma Lundgren

Maximizing Pepsi MAX

Caroline Ta | Digital Manager at PepsiCo Nordics

In Caroline’s Ta session she will touch on how we measure the impact of digital actions on the sales of consumer packaged goods. She will chronicle the journey from one end of the digital scale to another, from necessary steps to improve digital touch points to big frameworks that yield maximum ROI, to purposeful campaigns to connect with consumers and everything in between. The objective is to leave you with ideas about what to put in your toolbox as a digital marketer in a world of ever expanding tools, channels and key performance indicators.

  • About The Speaker

    Caroline Ta is the Nordic Digital Manager for PepsiCo and works with brands like Pepsi MAX, Doritos, 7UP and many more. Since joining PepsiCoin 2021 she has tried to maximize digital media ROI as well as establish stronger emotional connections with consumers. Prior to this role, Caroline spent 5 years working at Google EMEA as an Account Manager for CPG giants such as L’Oréal and Nestlé. She has a background in branding and performance marketing, so she has a knack for creatives and getting the most bang for your media bucks. 

Emma Lundgren

The (non-obvious) Prioritized Framework for Digital Marketing

Andy Crestodina | Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Orbit Media

Andy’s thesis when it comes to content marketing is simple. Instead of going down the funnel he moves backwards through users’ experience, and upwards through the funnel. He says you should start by polishing the most important website for conversions, reconsider the most important words on top sites and update the key pages that trigger demand. At SAHARA Festival he promises a data-driven, prioritized, show-me-exactly-where-to-focus session that may cause you to put other marketing efforts on hold – because you have more important work to do first.

  • About The Speaker

    Andy co-founded Orbit Media, an award-winning 40-person digital agency in Chicago.

    For over 20 years, Andy has provided digital marketing advice to over 1000 companies and written over 500 articles on content strategy, SEO, visitor psychology, and Analytics. He’s also the author of Content Chemistry: The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing and organizer of Content Jam, Chicago's largest content marketing conference. 

Emma Lundgren

How Miami Heat Use Digital Content to Drive Revenue

Terek Pierce | Director of Creative Content at Miami HEAT

In his session, Terek Pierce will give insight into how Miami Heat, The 2021-2022 NBA “Team of the Year”, uses digital content to drive revenue through audience cultivation, data-driven creative strategy, and award-winning digital marketing campaigns. 

  • About The Speaker

    Terek Pierce has more than 15 years of experience in marketing, and has been with the NBA team Miami Heat for over a decade. He started out as a producer, and has won five Emmy awards, and was awarded the Grand Clio Award as part of the digital team for the VICE Jersey campaign in 2018. His current position is Director of Creative Content where he oversees the creative strategy and content creation for Miami Heat Digital marketing properties.



49.900 kr.




Did you know if you are an Icelander, you can get a grant from your union for up to 90% of the ticket price? 

Við viljum við vekja athygli á því að mörg stéttarfélög veita styrki í gegn um Starfsmenntunarsjóð fyrir allt að 90% af ráðstefnu-gjaldinu, og jafnframt eru ýmsar styrktarleiðir í boði fyrir fyrirtæki sem borga fyrir starfsmenn.



We hope you can make it to SAHARA Festival this year! You might need some convincing for your boss, but luckily we took the initiative and set up an email that will help. Check out these emails in English or Icelandic - there's one waiting just perfect for YOU!!

  • Email to your boss | English

    Dear Boss,

    SAHARA is hosting an event for digital marketers like myself – a gathering of industry peers who are all there to learn the latest trends, see bleeding-edge technology and network with friends, both old and new. I would like your blessing (and investment) to attend.

    Here’s why:

    -SAHARA FESTIVAL offers a full scope of the digital marketing industry. No one-topic education for me! I’ll get sessions that focus on social media, mobile, brands, influencers ,and more!

    -You know those digital marketing idols I’m always talking about? They’ll be at SAHARA FESTIVAL giving keynote presentations, and I might even catch them over a drink between sessions, to pump them for even more information!

    -All of my peers will be there – I want to be there too! I wouldn’t want them to have a one-up on me. (You know how competitive I am!). 

    -Also ,the ticket to the Festival grants me access to all Iceland Airwaves concerts, where the festival goers will go too, so I can keep on networking!

    In conclusion, if I’m not attending, not only will I be missing out, but the company as a whole will be missing out. I will bring this knowledge back to the workplace so our company can stay one step ahead of the competition. Also, I might form connections that could be beneficial to the business. This is a worthwhile investment in the future of our company, team members, you and me. The choice is clear – SAHARA FESTIVAL!

    Please say yes!


    Your dedicated employee

  • Email to your boss | Icelandic

    Kæri yfirmaður

    Þannig er mál með vexti að auglýsingastofan Sahara stendur fyrir stórum viðburði sem er hugsaður fyrir alla þá sem starfa í stafrænni markaðssetningu – eins og ég geri! Á SAHARA Festival verða margir úr framvarðasveit fagsins á alþjóðavettvangi sem halda fyrirlestra, og svo landsliðið og rúmlega það til þess að læra af þeim og deila með sér þekkingu. Ég vil biðla til þín að kosta mig til þátttöku, út af því til dæmis að:

    Á Sahara Festival er boðið upp á allan hringinn í stafrænni markaðssetningu, sem ekkert eitt annað námskeið eða ráðstefna býður upp á. Það verður snert á vegferð hinna mismunandi samfélagsmiðla, mobile-þróun, mörkun, innfluencer-markaðssetningu og helling af öðru.  

    Sumir þeirra færustu í bransanum, sem ég hef fylgst með lengi, verða þarna með fyrirlestra, og jafnvel hægt að hitta á þá í spjall eftir á og veiða ennþá meira upp úr þeim!

    Eiginlega allir úr íslenska bransanum munu verða þarna, markaðsdeildir og auglýsingastofur. Þannig að ekki bara get ég lært af þessum erlendu heldur líka séð betur hvernig landið liggur hérlendis, og myndað tengsl sem gætu gagnast fyrirtækinu.

    Svo fæ ég líka miða á Airwaves, þangað sem aðrir ráðstefnugestir halda líka, og get þá haldið áfram að sanka að mér þekkingu og network-a. Auk þess að sjá kannski einhverja góða tónleika og verða þannig svalari og ánægðari starfskraftur en ég hefði annars orðið 😎

    Þannig að það er ekki bara missir fyrir mig, heldur verður fyrirtækið af mikilvægum upplýsingum ef ég mæti ekki. Sá missir gæti hamlað fyrirtækinu þegar fram í sækir, ekki síst í jafn harðri og nýjungar-æstri samkeppni og stafræn markaðssetning alla jafna er. Að senda mig, og jafnvel fleiri úr markaðsdeildinni, á SAHARA Festival, er því lítill útlagður kostnaður sem á eftir að margborga sig, og ber að líta á sem fjárfestingu í þekkingu og mannauði til framtíðar. 

    Með fyrirfram þökk og von í hjarta, þinn starfsmaður


Since we expect a lot more people than last year, especially from abroad, we have reserved the Harpa music hall, Iceland's biggest and fanciest concert and conference hall. The acoustics there are used by highly esteemed international musicians, so they'll be a treat for us. Then you also have an amazing view over the harbor and downtown areas from one of the most spectacular buildings in Reykjavík. It’s also within walking distance from almost all noteworthy bars and the Iceland Airwaves concert venues in the city.



Our aim is to enlighten but not preach, having a conversation rather than talking over people’s heads. The vibe is lively and upbeat, the talks are not too long, and then you have live music, food, drinks, and networking in between. We call it a festival for a reason, people!

This year we are partnered up with Iceland Airwaves, the country's longest-running, and most respected music festival. It has been held every year since 1999 and has introduced the world to some magnificent local and international acts throughout the years. Your ticket to SAHARA Festival also grants access to all Iceland Airwaves concerts.

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